Explaining the magic
How do you make a tough conversation meaningful? Speak from the heart.
Sexual violence is about power & control
- Offenders make a choice to hurt others because of their beliefs of entitlement
- This belief of entitlement stems from sexism, racism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia etc.
- Sex is used as a weapon to gain power & control over others
Nobody asks to be sexually assaulted
- Offenders are 100% responsible for acts of sexual violence
- No actions or behaviours of the survivor/victim ever justify sexual violence
- Everyone has the right to feel safe & trust people
- Offenders deny survivors’ rights to freedom & safety
It’s very important to be able to recognize consent
- Consent is obvious
- Consent is not a guessing game. If you don’t know, just ask!
There are different ways to say no
- It’s as simple as respecting & communicating with your partner
- If you’re incapacitated (think: drugs or alcohol) you CANNOT physically give your consent. It’s illegal, not to mention the fact that you’re unable to voice your consent if you’re inebriated
- Consent doesn’t count (and is illegal) if you’ve been forced to give in through coercion including threats, bribes, blackmail, etc.